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We are frequently asked how our packages compare to traditional marketing.Here is a sample of our two basic ad buy packages
– we will let you be the judge!

social ad buy



cost $595 $595 $595
# of creatives (4) You get four creatives over 30 days (or less). (1) You only get one creative,used only once. 1 – You get one creative,15 or 30 seconds.
impressions typically see over 5000 impressions. (?) No one knows,It’s all speculation (?) No one knows,It’s all speculation
when distributed Per Person – Your ad is delivered on a per person basis up to 30 days. Per Issue – there are no guarantees anyone will see your ad Broadcast – random time slots makes it impossible to know who and if anyone is listening
instant actionable Yes – a user can take immediate action with your ad No – a user must phone or go online No – a user must phone or go online
size Fixed -a level playing field with all advertisers Varies – price based on placement and size and issue Approximately 30 seconds ( or 9 minutes in 30 days)
time frame Up to 30 Days Once 20 x 30 second spots in 30 days
market size >80% – more than 80% of internet users partake in social media Unknown – distribution numbers don’t mean people see your ad. Unknown – aside from not knowing who listens to format, listening habits (time of day) dictate if ad is heard.
analytics Fixed – every detail is recorded on ad effectiveness No – there is no reliable data anywhere on ad effectivness. No – there is no reliable data anywhere on ad effectivness.
targeting Hyper-targetted by location, interest, age, gender, behaviour, or all at once. Only Subcribers or people who read the publication andthey still have to find your ad. Only those who listen at exactly the right time to exactly the right station.